IDEAL Farms Native Nursery

Springcreek Conservation introduces I.D.E.A.L. Farms, a new and innovative program at Wasatch High School in Heber City, Utah.  

Along wiith our visionary leader, Matthew Zierenberg (Mr. Z), Wasatch FFA Advisor, we are building a working native plant nursery that will educate students and produce healthy, viable Utah native plants. 

The revenue raised will go directly to educational scholarships and an endowment fund that will sustainably carry the program forward.  

Our goal is to create future entrepreneurs, business owners and conservationists. 

Teach the student to see the land, understand what he sees, and enjoy what he understands.  
Aldo Leopold

Dwarf Bearclaw Poppy, only found in Southern Utah

Pollinator Plantings

It’s not just bees that are doing all the work.

Butterflies, birds, beetles, bats, wasps and even flies are important in the pollination process. But despite the importance of pollinators, they are taken for granted all too often. Worldwide, there is an alarming decline in pollinator populations. Excessive use of pesticides and an ever-expanding conversion of landscapes to human use are the biggest culprits.

You can make a positive difference in your home environment.

Provide a diverse assortment of flowering plants and encourage native species in your landscape. Use pesticides only when necessary and then only late in the day or evening.

Look for alternative ways to deal with pest and disease issues before reaching for a quick fix. These often come at a price. 

The actions you take in and around your garden can either help reduce or promote the population of pollinators in your landscape.